1. “Go Back to Your
Lokshin”: Race, Class and Queerness
Saturday, 31 August 2013, 10h00-15h00, Constitution
An in-depth panel discussion on race and class
within South Africa and how these systems and ideas operate structurally and
interpersonally to limit and shape our organising for social justice.
August – 7 September, daytime tours, Constitution Hill, dates and times TBA
A series of
educational walking court tours
guided by legal experts that will cover the history, the function and the
relevance of the Constitution and the Constitutional Court in advancing social
justice in South Africa.
3. The Use and Abuse
of the Queer Body
14 September 2013, 10h00-16h00, Johannesburg Art Gallery
A participatory art
exhibition and panel discussion
covering the theme of homonationalism and pink washing, in which guests will
creatively engage with, critique and transform artistic representations of
queerness while also rethinking strategies to challenge the hijacking
of queerness for narrow political ends.
4. Your Rights in
Public Organising
16 September, 10h00-15h00, Constitution Hill
The JPP, in partnership with the Right to Know Campaign, will
host a workshop to conscientise
members of the LGBTIAQ public on how to organise pickets, protests and marches,
as well as help them to understand their rights with respect to the Regulation
of Gatherings Act (1993).
5. Multimedia Advocacy and Production Skills
18 September – 2 October, every Wednesday, 10h00-15h00, venues TBA
Three skills building workshops by the Advocacy and Media Production Studio on banner-making and t-shirt and poster printing. Workshops will take place in Ekurhuleni, Soweto and Johannesburg. Each workshop will accommodate up to 20 participants per session.
6. Retrospective on
Queer Organising
September – 12 October, Constitution Hill
An exhibition that will draw on the
resources housed at GALA and the queer public at large to offer a retrospective
overview of the struggles and victories in queer organising in South Africa.
7. A People’s Panorama
of Film
September, 16h00-18h00, 1-3 October, 17h00-19h00, Constitution Hill
A film festival presenting films from the
global South on queer activism, local struggles and rights to natural resources,
from forests to water, the nature of the body as a political and erotic landscape,
and other topics from the JPP Manifesto.
8. Reflections and
Experiences from Continental Queer Organising
October, 18h00-20h00, Afrikan Freedom Station
A discussion and social
gathering hosted by the Coalition of African Lesbians, in which queer
activists from the continent will share their experiences of organising LGBTIAQ
movements and Pride events in different countries.
9. JHB People’s Pride
5 October 2013, 10h00-18h00, Constitution Hill